Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Many years ago

Carson, Amy, and I collaborated with other friends to create a yearbook in 02006.
Out of that came a larger, more deranged installation at Fringe Exhibitions in L.A. Carson, Amy, and I collaborated with twenty others, including Carol Anne McChrystal, for that project: in 02008 we premiered the first and second parts of Disembody, an installation and film. The third part of Disembody, a feature length documentary has been trapped in post production hell for six years.
Here is detritus from one of the last surviving elements of Disembody, an arcade game we built. I had hoped to ship it intact to the Midwest, but life was not so kind.
It is not exaggeration to say that the bonds forged out of these earlier projects are the heart and soul of earthbound moon.

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